
Maged Farag

Phoenix, AZ, USA
B: 26th of April, 1951. Cairo, Egypt


Yousry El-Kharadli, Soli, Mansour Michael & Maged.
Stanley beach, Alexandria. 1966

Sami El-Assar, Soli, Maged & Yehya.
Alexandria Sporting Club. 1967

Khedive Ismaïl Pasha, Soli, Yehya, Maged, Amir, Anne Marie, Marianne & Asy Farag.
Maged's place, Cairo, December 2001

Anne Marie, Amir & Maged on the Nile.
Royal Club Mohamed-Aly, Cairo, 2001

Yehya, Amir & Maged.
Maged's place, Cairo, 2002

1965 & 1995

In Cairo office, Summer, 2006

Maged's family: Asy, Mohamed-Aly, Farida & Maged
Phoenix, AZ, USA, January, 2007


Unknown said...

dear magued
my daughter told me to be polite so briefly, i just want to tell you that you didnt do any effort to collect any of my pictures as you always hate me because i am the king,right!!!!!! so i cant find my precious name on your list of the shella so i hate you and the shella, see you soon
your friend ghasben 3anak
samy el aassar

Hassan Eltaher said...

Je ne suis pas sûr si ce site Web est toujours actif; en tous cas si vous allez sur notre site, vous allez trouver une fois de plus une histoire sur le roi Farouk, qui confirme vos thèses sur sa personalité nationaliste.


Hassan M. Eltaher
Ontario - C a n a d a